Bouquet of bush rose - sweet and fresh, bright and impressive.

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Shrub rose - one of the most famous varieties of roses beloved by man. Garden in which grow such inhabitants, impress by richness of colors, shapes and fragrance. The adult plants are sprawling bushes, thickly studded with double and semidouble flowers of spread color spectrum. By its structure, the flower resembles the inflorescence of peony, however a grandparent of this amazing variety is considered domesticated dog rose. One of the most important advantages of bush rose - it is aroma: its spicy and sweet, musky notes makes you forget about everything.

The bouquet of bush rose is absolutely incomparable  - it can be made in any shape and size, with adding of appropriate flowers and decor, rose is always behaves as the queen of flowers, not yielding to the beauty and grace to anyone. Thus, the so-called bush or shrub rose is widely used in landscape and garden design, as well as a valuable item of any flower shop, where necessarily will be a bouquet of bush rose and even in different variations.

If you want to order a bouquet of roses, you won't find a better place than flowers store Flowers is - we know all about the culture of using of shrub roses, flower etiquette, design, and also about fashion trend and updates of the flower industry in 2014. An important aspect of working with us is a flower delivery - Kiev, like any other metropolis, takes a lot of time on visiting stores and shopping. Everyone, who stay with us, is absolutely sure that a bouquet of bush rose has no competitors in its beauty, elegance and flavor. This is a piece of art, multiplied on the emotionality and divided for two - when you give a bouquet to a friend, all the feelings and experiences are divided into two.

Flower store Flowers is offering to order a bouquet of roses of any complexity and color solutions. Here you will find the compositions from two-color and monochrome bush roses, yellow, peach, pink, fiery red and cream. We are making bouquets only of fresh cut flowers of best-quality, so we recommend you always to select plants with flexible stems, half open tight buds and healthy leaves. Flower store Flowers is working with a lot of varieties of roses - favorites of our clients are white, Chinese, bourbon, damask, French, musk, moss and many other types of modern shrub roses. The most relevant is considered bouquets of plain and similar colors of flowers - such composition looks feminine, gentle and elegant. Very often make a bouquet in the form of a huge bowl of small-button roses. Also among the fashion trends - contrasting bouquet of игыр roses, for example, yellow-orange, maroon and pink. The undeniable advantage is considered independence of rose - it looks great, even without the use of other flowers and accessories.

Magical patterns of bush roses, amazing color palette, fast and qualitative delivery of flowers - Kiev gives you all his love and warm by hands of Flowers is!